Task Manager


Notifications are sent to users via direct messages. They are used to inform users about important events, such as task assignments, task state changes, or mentions in comments.

Notification Types

There are several types of notifications:

  • Task Assignment: Sent when a user or a role of the user is assigned to a task.
  • Task deadline due: Sent when a task deadline is due within 12 hours.
  • Task deadline was missed: Sent when a task deadline was in the past 12 hours and the task is still not done.
  • Task deadline was missed on urgent tasks: Sent when a task deadline was in the past 36 hours and the task is still not done and the priority is high or urgent.
  • Assigned task was repeated: Sent when a task was repeated and the user was assigned to the new task.
  • Task has a new comment: Sent when a task is assigned to a user and a new comment is added to the task or when the user previously commented on the task.

Social Media

X (Twitter)






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