Task Manager


The Bot has two types of settings: server wide and user preferences.

Server Wide Settings

Server wide settings are settings that affect the entire server. These settings can only be changed by users with the MANAGE_SETTINGS permission via the /settings command.

Available Settings

loggingAllows you to set a discord webhook url that will be used to log several actions on tasks.
auto_labelingWhen enabled the bot uses Google Vertex AI to determine the best fitting label based on a task title and description, when the task is created
auto_priorityWhen enabled the bot uses Google Vertex AI to determine the most fitting priority based on the task title and description, when the task is created
private_responsesWhen enabled users can hide the responses from /task list from other users
default_assigneeAllows changing the default assignee for a task where no one was assigned when the task is created
user_languagesIf enabled, users can set their own preferred language via /preferences language
user_timezonesIf enabled, users can set their own preferred timezone via /preferences timezone
languageSets the language the bot and all other bots by bnder use
timezoneSets the timezone the bot and all other bots by bnder use
dateformatSets the dateformat the bot and all other bots by bnder use

User Preferences

User preferences are settings that affect only the user. These settings can be changed by the user via the /preferences command or by administrators in the app.

Preferences can be disabled by the server administrator. If they are disabled, changing these will have no effect.

Available Preferences

languageThe language the bot and all other bots by bnder use to respond to commands
timezoneThe timezone the bot and all other bots by bnder use

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