

Read the API Overview to get started and learn more.

Get all task ids from a project

Get all task ids from a project specified by the project id

GET /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/tasks


guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project


200 Response (Tasks retrieved):

Response FieldTypeDescription
todo_tasksarrayList of task ids that are in todo state
in_progress_tasksarrayList of task ids that are in progress state
done_tasksarrayList of task ids that are done

Update task order in kanban board

Updates the task order or changes the tasks state in the kanban board

PUT /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/tasks


guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project

Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
todo_tasksarrayList of task ids that are in todo state
in_progress_tasksarrayList of task ids that are in progress state
done_tasksarrayList of task ids that are done


200 Response (Tasks updated):

Response FieldTypeDescription
todo_tasksarrayList of task ids that are in todo state
in_progress_tasksarrayList of task ids that are in progress state
done_tasksarrayList of task ids that are done

Create a task

Create a task in the project specified by the project id

POST /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/tasks


guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project

Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
textstringThe text of the task
description (optional)stringThe description of the task
assigned_user_ids (optional)arrayThe IDs of the users assigned to the task
assigned_role_ids (optional)arrayThe IDs of the roles assigned to the task
status (optional)numberThe status of the task. 0: To do, 1: In progress, 2: Done
deadline (optional)stringThe deadline of the task
label_ids (optional)arrayThe IDs of the labels assigned to the task
priority (optional)numberThe priority of the task. 0: Low, 1: Normal, 2: High, 3: Urgent
repeat_end_date (optional)stringThe date when the task repetition ends
repeat_days_interval (optional)numberThe number of days between task repetitions
subtasks (optional)arrayThe subtasks of the task


201 Response (Task created):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringThe ID of the task
statusnumberThe status of the task. 0: To do, 1: In progress, 2: Done
textstringThe text of the task
description (optional)stringThe description of the task
assigned_user_idsarrayThe IDs of the users assigned to the task
assigned_role_idsarrayThe IDs of the roles assigned to the task
project_idstringThe ID of the project the task belongs to
deadline (optional)stringThe deadline of the task
prioritynumberThe priority of the task. 0: Low, 1: Normal, 2: High, 3: Urgent
repeat_days_interval (optional)numberThe number of days between task repetitions
repeat_end_date (optional)stringThe date when the task repetition ends
label_idsarrayThe IDs of the labels assigned to the task
creation_datestringThe creation date of the task
creator_idstringThe ID of the user who created the task
in_binbooleanWhether the task is in the bin
delete_at (optional)stringThe date the task will be deleted
historyarrayThe history of the task
subtasksarrayThe subtasks of the task
commentsarrayThe comments of the task

Get a single task

Get all data of a single task by the task id

GET /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/tasks/taskId


guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project
taskId The ID of the task


200 Response (Task retrieved):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringThe ID of the task
statusnumberThe status of the task. 0: To do, 1: In progress, 2: Done
textstringThe text of the task
description (optional)stringThe description of the task
assigned_user_idsarrayThe IDs of the users assigned to the task
assigned_role_idsarrayThe IDs of the roles assigned to the task
project_idstringThe ID of the project the task belongs to
deadline (optional)stringThe deadline of the task
prioritynumberThe priority of the task. 0: Low, 1: Normal, 2: High, 3: Urgent
repeat_days_interval (optional)numberThe number of days between task repetitions
repeat_end_date (optional)stringThe date when the task repetition ends
label_idsarrayThe IDs of the labels assigned to the task
creation_datestringThe creation date of the task
creator_idstringThe ID of the user who created the task
in_binbooleanWhether the task is in the bin
delete_at (optional)stringThe date the task will be deleted
historyarrayThe history of the task
subtasksarrayThe subtasks of the task
commentsarrayThe comments of the task

Update a task

Update the data of a task with the given id

PUT /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/tasks/taskId


guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project
taskId The ID of the task

Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
status (optional)numberThe status of the task. 0: To do, 1: In progress, 2: Done
text (optional)stringThe text of the task
description (optional)stringThe description of the task
assigned_user_ids (optional)arrayThe IDs of the users assigned to the task
assigned_role_ids (optional)arrayThe IDs of the roles assigned to the task
project_id (optional)stringThe ID of the project the task belongs to
deadline (optional)stringThe deadline of the task
priority (optional)numberThe priority of the task. 0: Low, 1: Normal, 2: High, 3: Urgent
repeat_days_interval (optional)numberThe number of days between task repetitions
repeat_end_date (optional)stringThe date when the task repetition ends
label_ids (optional)arrayThe IDs of the labels assigned to the task
in_bin (optional)booleanWhether the task is in the bin
subtasks (optional)arrayThe subtasks of the task


200 Response (Task updated):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringThe ID of the task
statusnumberThe status of the task. 0: To do, 1: In progress, 2: Done
textstringThe text of the task
description (optional)stringThe description of the task
assigned_user_idsarrayThe IDs of the users assigned to the task
assigned_role_idsarrayThe IDs of the roles assigned to the task
project_idstringThe ID of the project the task belongs to
deadline (optional)stringThe deadline of the task
prioritynumberThe priority of the task. 0: Low, 1: Normal, 2: High, 3: Urgent
repeat_days_interval (optional)numberThe number of days between task repetitions
repeat_end_date (optional)stringThe date when the task repetition ends
label_idsarrayThe IDs of the labels assigned to the task
creation_datestringThe creation date of the task
creator_idstringThe ID of the user who created the task
in_binbooleanWhether the task is in the bin
delete_at (optional)stringThe date the task will be deleted
historyarrayThe history of the task
subtasksarrayThe subtasks of the task
commentsarrayThe comments of the task

Delete a task

Delete the data of a task with the given id

DELETE /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/tasks/taskId


guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project
taskId The ID of the task


204 Response (Task deleted): Empty response.

Create a comment

Create a comment in the task specified by the task id

POST /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/tasks/taskId/comments


guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project
taskId The ID of the task

Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
textstringThe text of the comment


201 Response (Comment created):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringThe ID of the task
statusnumberThe status of the task. 0: To do, 1: In progress, 2: Done
textstringThe text of the task
description (optional)stringThe description of the task
assigned_user_idsarrayThe IDs of the users assigned to the task
assigned_role_idsarrayThe IDs of the roles assigned to the task
project_idstringThe ID of the project the task belongs to
deadline (optional)stringThe deadline of the task
prioritynumberThe priority of the task. 0: Low, 1: Normal, 2: High, 3: Urgent
repeat_days_interval (optional)numberThe number of days between task repetitions
repeat_end_date (optional)stringThe date when the task repetition ends
label_idsarrayThe IDs of the labels assigned to the task
creation_datestringThe creation date of the task
creator_idstringThe ID of the user who created the task
in_binbooleanWhether the task is in the bin
delete_at (optional)stringThe date the task will be deleted
historyarrayThe history of the task
subtasksarrayThe subtasks of the task
commentsarrayThe comments of the task

Delete a comment

Delete a comment in the task specified by the task id

DELETE /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/tasks/taskId/comments


guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project
taskId The ID of the task

Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
textstringThe text of the comment
datestringThe creation date of the comment
author_idstringThe ID of the author of the comment


200 Response (Comment deleted):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringThe ID of the task
statusnumberThe status of the task. 0: To do, 1: In progress, 2: Done
textstringThe text of the task
description (optional)stringThe description of the task
assigned_user_idsarrayThe IDs of the users assigned to the task
assigned_role_idsarrayThe IDs of the roles assigned to the task
project_idstringThe ID of the project the task belongs to
deadline (optional)stringThe deadline of the task
prioritynumberThe priority of the task. 0: Low, 1: Normal, 2: High, 3: Urgent
repeat_days_interval (optional)numberThe number of days between task repetitions
repeat_end_date (optional)stringThe date when the task repetition ends
label_idsarrayThe IDs of the labels assigned to the task
creation_datestringThe creation date of the task
creator_idstringThe ID of the user who created the task
in_binbooleanWhether the task is in the bin
delete_at (optional)stringThe date the task will be deleted
historyarrayThe history of the task
subtasksarrayThe subtasks of the task
commentsarrayThe comments of the task

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