

Read the API Overview to get started and learn more.

Get all guild limits

Get all guild limits and current usage

GET /guilds/guildId/limits


guildId The id of a discord guild


200 Response (All guild limits and usages):

Response FieldTypeDescription
max_projectsnumberMaximal number of projects that can be created in the guild
max_topicsnumberMaximal number of topics that can be created in the guild
max_documentsnumberMaximal number of documents that can be created in the guild
max_labelsnumberMaximal number of labels that can be created in the guild
max_eventsnumberMaximal number of events that can be created in the guild
current_projectsnumberCurrent number of projects in the guild
current_topicsnumberCurrent number of topics in the guild
current_documentsnumberCurrent number of documents in the guild
current_labelsnumberCurrent number of labels in the guild
current_eventsnumberCurrent number of events in the guild

Get all supported timezones

Get all supported timezones

GET /guilds/guildId/timezones


guildId The id of a discord guild


200 Response (All supported timezones):

Response FieldTypeDescription
timezonesarrayList of timezones in the guild

Get a guild

Get guild settings and properties by the guild id

GET /guilds/guildId


guildId The id of a discord guild


200 Response (The guild):

Response FieldTypeDescription
languagestringLanguage of the guild
logging_webhook_url (optional)stringURL to send logs to
auto_labeling_enabledbooleanWhether auto labeling is enabled
auto_prioritybooleanWhether auto priority is enabled
timezonestringTimezone of the guild
dateformatstringDate format of the guild
private_responsesbooleanWhether private responses are enabled
user_languagesbooleanWhether user languages are enabled
user_timezonesbooleanWhether user timezones are enabled
default_assigneenumberDefault assignee for tasks
error_reportingbooleanWhether error reporting is enabled
week_start_daystringWeek start day for the guild
github_key (optional)stringGitHub key for the guild, uses for GitHub integration
private_messages_enabledbooleanWhether private messages are enabled
log_levelnumberLog level for the guild

Update settings for a guild

Update settings for a guild

PUT /guilds/guildId


guildId The id of a discord guild

Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
language (optional)stringThe language of the guild. Must be a valid language code or ‘en’ for English.
logging_webhook_url (optional)stringThe URL of the logging webhook for the guild.
log_level (optional)numberThe logging level for the guild.
auto_labeling_enabled (optional)booleanWhether auto-labeling is enabled for the guild.
timezone (optional)stringThe timezone of the guild.
dateformat (optional)stringThe date format of the guild.
private_responses (optional)booleanWhether private responses are enabled for the guild.
auto_priority (optional)booleanWhether auto-priority is enabled for the guild.
user_languages (optional)booleanWhether auto-assign is enabled for the guild.
user_timezones (optional)booleanWhether user timezones are enabled for the guild.
default_assignee (optional)numberThe default assignee for tasks.
error_reporting (optional)booleanWhether error reporting is enabled for the guild.
week_start_day (optional)stringThe day of the week that the guild considers the start of the week.
private_messages_enabled (optional)booleanWhether private messages are enabled for the guild.


200 Response (Updated guild):

Response FieldTypeDescription
languagestringLanguage of the guild
logging_webhook_url (optional)stringURL to send logs to
auto_labeling_enabledbooleanWhether auto labeling is enabled
auto_prioritybooleanWhether auto priority is enabled
timezonestringTimezone of the guild
dateformatstringDate format of the guild
private_responsesbooleanWhether private responses are enabled
user_languagesbooleanWhether user languages are enabled
user_timezonesbooleanWhether user timezones are enabled
default_assigneenumberDefault assignee for tasks
error_reportingbooleanWhether error reporting is enabled
week_start_daystringWeek start day for the guild
github_key (optional)stringGitHub key for the guild, uses for GitHub integration
private_messages_enabledbooleanWhether private messages are enabled
log_levelnumberLog level for the guild

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