

Bnder API documentation for Events. Read the API Overview to get started and learn more.

Create a new event

Create a new event for the guild

POST /guilds/guildId/events

guildId The id of a discord guild
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
titlestringTitle of the event
location (optional)stringDescription of the event
startstringStart date and time of the event
endstringEnd date and time of the event
invitees (optional)arrayInvitees of the event
repeat_interval_days (optional)numberRepeat interval in days
repeat_until (optional)stringRepeat until date

Responses 200 Response (Event created):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringId of the event
titlestringTitle of the event
location (optional)stringLocation of the event
startstringStart date and time of the event
endstringEnd date and time of the event
isFromTaskbooleanIs the event from a task deadline
inviteesarrayDiscord user ids of the invitees
acceptedarrayDiscord user ids of the accepted invitees
declinedarrayDiscord user ids of the declined invitees
creatorstringDiscord user id of the creator
repeatedbooleanIs the event repeated
repeatEnd (optional)stringEnd date of the repeat
repeatIntervalDays (optional)numberInterval in days for the repeat

Get an event

Get an event by ID

GET /guilds/guildId/events/eventId

guildId The id of a discord guild
eventId The ID of the event
Responses 200 Response (Event retrieved):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringId of the event
titlestringTitle of the event
location (optional)stringLocation of the event
startstringStart date and time of the event
endstringEnd date and time of the event
isFromTaskbooleanIs the event from a task deadline
inviteesarrayDiscord user ids of the invitees
acceptedarrayDiscord user ids of the accepted invitees
declinedarrayDiscord user ids of the declined invitees
creatorstringDiscord user id of the creator
repeatedbooleanIs the event repeated
repeatEnd (optional)stringEnd date of the repeat
repeatIntervalDays (optional)numberInterval in days for the repeat

Update an event

Update an existing event

PUT /guilds/guildId/events/eventId

guildId The id of a discord guild
eventId The ID of the event
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
titlestringThe title of the event
location (optional)stringThe location of the event
startstringThe start date and time of the event
endstringThe end date and time of the event
invitees (optional)arrayThe invitees of the event
accepted (optional)booleanThe acceptance status of the event
repeat_interval_days (optional)numberRepeat interval in days
repeat_until (optional)stringRepeat until date

Responses 200 Response (Event updated):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringId of the event
titlestringTitle of the event
location (optional)stringLocation of the event
startstringStart date and time of the event
endstringEnd date and time of the event
isFromTaskbooleanIs the event from a task deadline
inviteesarrayDiscord user ids of the invitees
acceptedarrayDiscord user ids of the accepted invitees
declinedarrayDiscord user ids of the declined invitees
creatorstringDiscord user id of the creator
repeatedbooleanIs the event repeated
repeatEnd (optional)stringEnd date of the repeat
repeatIntervalDays (optional)numberInterval in days for the repeat

Delete an event

Delete an existing event

DELETE /guilds/guildId/events/eventId

guildId The id of a discord guild
eventId The ID of the event
Responses 204 Response (Event deleted): Empty response.

Plan an event

Plan an event for the guild

POST /guilds/guildId/events/plan

guildId The id of a discord guild
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
startstringStart date and time of the event
endstringEnd date and time of the event
invitees (optional)arrayInvitees of the event

Responses 200 Response (Event planned):

Response FieldTypeDescription
idstringId of the event
titlestringTitle of the event
location (optional)stringLocation of the event
startstringStart date and time of the event
endstringEnd date and time of the event
isFromTaskbooleanIs the event from a task deadline
inviteesarrayDiscord user ids of the invitees
acceptedarrayDiscord user ids of the accepted invitees
declinedarrayDiscord user ids of the declined invitees
creatorstringDiscord user id of the creator
repeatedbooleanIs the event repeated
repeatEnd (optional)stringEnd date of the repeat
repeatIntervalDays (optional)numberInterval in days for the repeat

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