

Bnder API documentation for Milestones. Read the API Overview to get started and learn more.

Creates a new milestone

Creates a new milestone in the specified project

POST /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/milestones

guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
namestringThe name of the milestone
due_datestringThe due date of the milestone

Responses 201 Response (): Empty response.

Updates a milestone

Updates a milestone in the specified project

PUT /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/milestones/milestoneId

guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project
milestoneId The ID of the milestone
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
namestringThe name of the milestone
due_datestringThe due date of the milestone

Responses 200 Response (Milestone updated):

Response FieldTypeDescription
namestringThe name of the milestone
due_datestringThe due date of the milestone

Deletes a milestone

Deletes a milestone in the specified project

DELETE /guilds/guildId/projects/projectId/milestones/milestoneId

guildId The id of a discord guild
projectId The ID of the project
milestoneId The ID of the milestone
Responses 204 Response (): Empty response.

Create a new folder

Create a new folder in the specified project

POST /guilds/guildId/files

guildId The id of a discord guild
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
namestringThe name of the folder
parentstringThe ID of the parent folder, or root if first level

Responses 201 Response (): Empty response.

Update a folder

Update the name or parent of a folder

PUT /guilds/guildId/files/folder/folderId

guildId The id of a discord guild
folderId The ID of the folder
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
namestringThe name of the folder
parentstringThe ID of the parent folder, or root if first level
shared_witharrayA list of user IDs to share the folder with

Responses 200 Response (): Empty response.

Delete a folder

Delete a folder and all its contents

DELETE /guilds/guildId/files/folder/folderId

guildId The id of a discord guild
folderId The ID of the folder
Responses 204 Response (): Empty response.

Update a file

Update the name of a file

PUT /guilds/guildId/files/fileId

guildId The id of a discord guild
fileId undefined
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
namestringThe name of the file
shared_witharrayThe IDs of users the file is shared with
folder_idstringThe ID of the parent folder, or root if first level

Responses 200 Response (): Empty response.

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