Guild Member

Guild Member

Bnder API documentation for Guild Member Read the API Overview to get started and learn more.

Get a guild member

Gets preferences and settings of a guild member. This does not return all data you would get from discords api

GET /guilds/guildId/members/memberId

guildId The id of a discord guild
memberId The ID of the guild member
Responses 200 Response (Guild member data):

Response FieldTypeDescription
active_project_idstringThe ID of the active project for discord commands

Update settings for a guild member

Updates settings and preferences for a guild member

PUT /guilds/guildId/members/memberId

guildId The id of a discord guild
memberId The ID of the guild member
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
active_project_id (optional)stringThe ID of the active project for discord commands
language (optional)stringThe language code for the user
event_reminders (optional)booleanWhether the user wants to receive event reminders
direct_messages (optional)booleanWhether the user wants to receive direct messages
timezone (optional)stringThe timezone for the user

Responses 204 Response (Settings updated): Empty response.

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