NewsMay 2024 Changelog

May Release Notes

The following changes have been deployed in multiple deployments during May.

All bots


All of our bots include a new setup step to configure the timezone used in the server. This is necessary to ensure that all time-based features work correctly. Also, the setup can only be run by users with the “MANAGE_SETTINGS” permission, to prevent unauthorized changes. A bug caused the last step in the setup to be skipped, this has been fixed. When the last step was not skipped, it could not be skipped by the user. This has also been fixed.

AI Features

We have introduced an AI Assistant in the task comments when using the App. This assistant gains information about the task, to enable translation or question answering features. Learn how it works.

AI Assistant
AI Assistant in the task comments

We have changed the AI models used for auto labeling (Task Manager and Knowledge Manager) and auto priority (Task Manager). This change makes the AI features faster and more accurate. Another way to improve the accuracy of the AI models was to experiment with the prompt text that gets sent to the AI model. We’ve made some changes to the prompt text to improve the accuracy of the AI models and prevent edge cases where the AI Feature would not work as expected.

Audit Log

We have introduced a new feature called the Audit Log. This log stores every action made on the server and can be accessed via the server settings in the App. The log contains detailed information about the action, the user who executed the action, and the time the action was executed. For example, when a task is modified, the log will contain every information about the task before and after the modification.

Audit Log
Audit Log in the server settings

The log is stored for 30 days, while only the last 7 days are accessible for now. The log can not be deleted or modified by users, making it a secure way to track changes on the server. To see the log, users need the “MANAGE_SETTINGS” permission.

No Permissions

We have improved the way we handle permissions in the bots. When a user does not have the necessary permissions to execute a command, the bot will respond with a message that only the command executor can see. This prevents a method that could be used to spam a channel with error messages.

Date Input

In some commands it is possible to input a date, for example when setting a deadline with the Task Manager or creating an event with the Calendar Manager. We improved the way we handle specific date inputs, to prevent errors in some specific edge cases.

Task Manager

Task Comments

You can now leave comments on tasks with the /task comment command or when viewing a task in the app. When a new comment is added, the task assignees and previous commentators will receive a notification.

Task Comments
Task Comments in the app


The notifications you receive via direct message when a task is assigned, a deadline is reached or a task is repeated contain more information now. These messages now include the task description, together with the task title, if it does not exceed a certain limit set by discord.

Task Notification
Task Notification in direct messages

The notifications you receive when a task gets assigned to you or a role of yours now contain buttons to set the task state. These buttons are only visible to users with the “SET_STATE” permission and they don’t have a timeout anymore.

Other Changes

  • Fix: /task project next page did not work as expected in some cases
  • Fix: Urls containing links with underlines were corrupted in logging messages
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where user information was deleted
  • Fix: Label autocompletes are case insensitive now
  • Fix: Webhook logging message did apply Markdown formatting on project names
  • Fix: Task assigned notification doesn’t contain buttons if user does not have “SET_STATE” permission
  • Fix: Direct message notifications missed translation for subtasks field

Knowledge Manager


  • Fix: Urls containing links with underlines were corrupted
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where user information was deleted
  • Fix: Label autocompletes are case insensitive now

Calendar Manager


  • Fix: Limited max amount of events per server to 1000
  • Fix: Error when creating a event without end date
  • Fix: Urls containing links with underlines were corrupted
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where user information was deleted
  • Fix: Missing translation when user was removed from event


  • Tasks can now get commented on
  • Task Popup is wider on desktop
  • Improved task repeat configuration in Task Popup
  • Selecting a topic when creating/editing a document can be searched
  • An audit log stores every action made on the server and can be accessed via the server settings. Learn how it works
  • Users can be mentioned in most textfields (task title, task description, task comment, event title, event location)
  • Introducing an AI Assistant in the task comments. Learn how it works
  • Fix: Task title & description will show user & role mentions correctly
  • Fix: Create Label dialog wasn’t styled correctly
  • Fix: General settings could not be scrolled on mobile
  • Fix: Continuous styled textfields
  • Fix: Task repeat interval could not be removed
  • Fix: Icon when task is repeated was not aligned with deadline icon
  • Fix: Loading circle had wrong color in some cases
  • Fix: Suggestions on textfields have same width as textfield
  • Fix: Keyboard on mobile could obstruct parts of the Task popup
  • Fix: Login loading text would go out of screen on small mobile devices
  • Fix: Could not change bot language to hindi from app
  • Fix: Topic could not be restored from bin
  • Fix: Task description could not be edited
  • Fix: Max and current amount of events can be seen in the guild settings “Limits”


  • Documented limits for Calendar Manager
  • Added some screenshots to help pages
  • Improvements to help page visuals
  • API: Documented Task History Action Ids
  • Fix: Command /settings direct_messages was not documented
  • Fix: /settings direct_messages was not documented in settings page
  • Fix: /preferences direct_messages was not documented in settings page
  • Fix: Calendar Manager help pages had wrong tab title
  • Fix: Rest API mentioned in help pages tab title

Discord Bots

Task Manager

Calendar Manager

Knowledge Manager

Getting started

For Schools

Social Media

X (Twitter)





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